Cyber Security, Information, Communication, Command and Control and Software Systems

  • Basic and applied research, exploratory and advanced development in cyber security, secure databases, networks, telecommunications, mobile telecom, and information infrastructure
  • Basic and applied research, design, development and prototyping of secure communications and communication systems
  • Basic and applied research, design, development and prototyping of secure information exchange architectures and conformance tools
  • Analysis, systems engineering, integration, and rapid cyber tool development to address defensive and offensive cyber operations and cyber mission assurance requirements
  • Basic and applied research, design, development and prototyping of accreditable multi-level software systems and networks
  • Applied research, design, development, prototyping, testing and support of secure, multi-domain command & control (C2) and communication systems, mission planning and decision support systems, global and geo-spatially-based situational understanding and predictive analytics solutions
  • Research, development, modeling, analysis, data analytics, and assessment of large-scale information software systems.